轉載:Al Gore: The Case for Optimism on Climate Change (TED 2016)


© 2016 www.TED.org cc by nc nd 4.0 Int https://climaterealityproject.org/joi... In his latest TED talk, Al Gore, founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project, poses three questions that will determine the future of our planet - and why there's good reason to be optimistic. 

Under the rubric "Ideas worth spreading," each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) conference brings together a collection of the world's most compelling, surprising, and original thinkers to connect and explore the themes, factors, and forces shaping our world today - and pointing to our world of tomorrow. 

The theme of this year's conference in Vancouver, British Columbia - which ran February 15-19 - was "Dream." TED curators invited Climate Reality Chairman Al Gore to headline the "Nightmares" session. But instead of focusing exclusively on the terrifying aspects of climate change, former Vice President Gore turned the topic on its head, outlining why he's optimistic and why - even in the face of rising seas and melting glaciers - we can dare to dream of a safe and sustainable future planet. Here are three ideas worth spreading from the talk.


 The challenge came first. Each day, manmade greenhouse gas pollution traps the same amount of heat energy as would be released by 400,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs. This trapped heat is warming the oceans and increasing the water vapor and energy in our atmosphere, leading to stronger storms, more extreme floods, increasingly long droughts, and other results he characterized as "a nature hike through the Book of Revelations." 


Fortunately, we've already started to change. Renewable energy is growing exponentially. In fact, its growth has significantly beaten expert projections time and time again. And the cost of solar energy has come down around 10 percent every year for the past 30 years. With all this expansion, the renewable energy transition could very well be the biggest business opportunity in the world right now. 


This question is up to us - all of us - right now. In December 2015, 195 countries approved the Paris Agreement on climate change and agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It was truly a breakthrough after decades of failed attempts. And around the world, from China to India to the US, countries are adding more and more capacity in renewable energy (in fact, 69 percent of new electrical capacity added in the US last year came from renewables). The change is happening - what's up to us right now is how long we take to get there.

在他最近的 TED 演講中,氣候現實項目的創始人兼主席 Al Gore 提出了三個將決定我們星球未來的問題--以及為什麼有充分的理由保持樂觀。

在"值得傳播的想法"這一主題下,每年的 TED(技術、娛樂和設計)會議匯集了世界上最引人注目、最令人驚訝和最有創意的思想家,以連接和探索主題、因素和塑造力量我們今天的世界--並指向我們明天的世界。

今年 2 月 15 日至 19 日在不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華舉行的會議的主題是"夢想"。 TED 策展人邀請氣候現實主席 Al Gore 擔任"噩夢"會議的標題。但是,前副總統戈爾並沒有隻關注氣候變化的可怕方面,而是將話題轉過來,概述了他為什麼樂觀以及為什麼--即使面對海平面上升和冰川融化--我們敢於夢想一個安全的和可持續的未來星球。以下是值得從演講中傳播的三個想法。

1. 我們真的需要改變嗎?

挑戰是第一位的。每天,人造溫室氣體污染所吸收的熱能與 400,000 顆廣島級原子彈釋放的熱量相同。這種被困住的熱量正在使海洋變暖,並增加大氣中的水蒸氣和能量,導致更強的風暴、更極端的洪水、越來越長的干旱,以及他將其描述為"在啟示錄中自然徒步旅行"的其他結果。

2. 我們能改變嗎?

幸運的是,我們已經開始改變。可再生能源呈指數級增長。事實上,它的增長一次又一次大大超過了專家的預測。在過去的 30 年中,太陽能的成本每年下降 10% 左右。隨著所有這些擴張,可再生能源轉型很可能成為目前世界上最大的商機。

3. 我們會改變嗎?

這個問題現在取決於我們--我們所有人。 2015年12月,195個國家通過了氣候變化巴黎協定,同意減少溫室氣體排放。經過幾十年的失敗嘗試,這確實是一個突破。在世界範圍內,從中國到印度再到美國,各國正在增加越來越多的可再生能源容量(實際上,去年美國新增的電力容量中有 69% 來自可再生能源)。變化正在發生--現在取決於我們需要多長時間才能到達那裡。


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