什麼是 RE100?


The Climate Group(氣候組織),簡稱TCG,是一個獨立的非營利組織,結合企業與政府的力量,加速實現氣候優化行動。本會於2019年底正式與TCG簽訂合作備忘錄(MoU),期望雙方利用各自專業背景與資源,加速推動台灣企業響應三大國際氣候行動倡議(RE100、EP100與EV100),透過綠色電力、能源生產力及電動運具,攜手扶持企業邁向低碳經濟、落實節能減碳、實現永續發展目標。

RE100   企業訂定目標,承諾100%使用再生能源,以實現綠色供應鏈,減緩氣候變遷對地球衝擊。

EP100  企業訂定目標,承諾100%建立能源管理系統、實施能源生產力加倍、擁有淨零碳建築,以提升整體經濟效益。

EV100  企業訂定目標,承諾2030年前達成100%車隊電動化)以解決全球暖化和空氣污染問題。

「RE100」 是由氣候組織 (The Climate Group) 與碳揭露計畫 (Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP) 所主導的全球再生能源倡議,匯聚全球最具影響力企業,以電力需求端的角度,共同努力提升使用綠電的友善環境;加入企業必須公開承諾在2020至2050年間達成100%使用綠電的時程,並逐年提報使用進度。

「RE100」 目前已有超過300家企業成員,參與企業包括科技巨擎 (Apple、Google、Facebook、Microsoft、HP)、金融業 (高盛、瑞士信貸、花旗銀行)、食品飲料 (Walmart、Coca-Cola、Starbucks)、服裝流行業 (Nike、Burberry、H&M)、美妝保養產業 (Unilever、P&G、Johnson & Johnson、Estée Lauder、L'OCCITANE Group)等;會員透過綠電投資自發自用、購買再生能源憑證 (Renewable Energy Certificates, RECs)、簽訂綠電購售合約 (Power Purchase Agreement, PPA) 等手段,達成綠電使用目標。

「RE100」 於台灣具營運活動的會員超過百家以上,其中,台灣總部會員共計13家,依加入順序為: 大江生醫 (TCI)、科毅 (Tridle)、歐萊德 (Hair O'Right)、葡萄王 (Grape King)、台積電 (TSMC)、菁華工業 (Kingwhale)、台達電 (Delta Electronics)、佐研院 (Jola Lab)、宏碁集團 (Acer)、聯華電子 (UMC)、金元福 (KYF)、華碩 (ASUS)、美律實業 (Merry)。

無論是企業或非營利機構加入「RE100」 後,除可以從使用者的觀點協助推動再生能源系統的發展,也可獲得取得再生能源的管道,例如購買再生能源信用額度(Renewable Energy Credits)、直接向發電者購電或就地自行生產綠電。為達承諾目標,加入之成員在全球各地營運據點所使用的電力,都必須來自再生資源:生質能(包含沼氣)、地熱、太陽能、水力與風力。不論是從市場上購電或自行發電皆可,購電須有國際再生能源憑證(Renewable Electricity Certificates, REC),而自行發電之所有製造、消耗的再生能源都必須符合可靠、透明的要求並經過第三方認證。

透過參與「RE100」 可提升企業與各品牌大廠齊頭地位之國際形象,相關企業的影響力包括:蘋果開始要求亞洲供應商採購綠電;釀酒業龍頭 AB InBev (百威) 在美國推出標榜 100% 綠電製造的啤酒等案例。加總RE100會員全球綠電總需求,已超國一個G7國家的用電量 (如英國、義大利)。


3MGold3M's target is to source 100% renewable electricity for its global operations by 2050.www.3m.co.uk
AdobeGoldAdobe aims to be 100% powered by renewable electricity by 2035.www.adobe.com
AirbnbGoldAirbnb has committed to using 100% renewable electricity by 2021.www.airbnb.com
ALTANAGoldThe ALTANA Group will be carbon neutral by 2025. They will achieve 100% renewable electricity in accordance with RE100’s technical criteria by 2040.www.altana.com
Anheuser-Busch InBevGoldAB InBev has set a target to secure 100% of its purchased electricity from renewable sources by 2025.www.ab-inbev.com
AppleGoldIn April 2018, Apple announced achieving 100% renewable electricity, powering its global facilities across 43 countries.www.apple.com
AstraZenecaGoldAstraZeneca has a goal to source 100% renewable electricity globally by 2025www.astrazeneca.co.uk
BarclaysGoldBarclays has a target to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2030.www.barclays.co.uk
BayWaGoldBayWa has set a target to achieve 100% renewable electricity globally by 2020.www.baywa.com/en
BTGoldBT's 2020 goals include ambitions to procure 100% renewable electricity globally.www.bt.com
Canary Wharf GroupGoldCanary Wharf Group has procured 100% renewable electricity for all of its managed areas and construction projects since 2012.canarywharf.com
Capital OneGoldCapital One reached its goal of achieving 100% renewable electricity across its global operations in 2017.www.capitalone.co.uk
Carlsberg GroupGoldCarlsberg Group is switching to 100% renewable electricity at its breweries by 2022 and aims to be carbon neutral in 2030.www.carlsberggroup.com
CHANELGoldCHANEL has a commitment to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2025.www.chanel.com
Chindata GroupGoldChindata commits to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its entire global operations by 2035.www.chindatagroup.com
CotyGoldCoty has a target to achieve 100% renewable electricity across its global operations by 2030.www.coty.com
DanoneGoldDanone has a target to source 100% renewable electricity by 2030.www.danone.com
DecathlonGoldDecathlon has a target to achieve 100% renewable electricity for its global operations by 2026.www.decathlon.co.uk
DeloitteGoldDeloitte has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2030.www2.deloitte.com
Delta ElectronicsGoldDelta Electronics has a target to source 100% renewable electricity by 2030.www.deltaww.com
DuPontGoldDuPont commits to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across all global operations by 2050.www.dupont.com
EnvisionGoldEnvision is committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its global operations by 2025.www.envision-group.com
FacebookGoldFacebook has a goal to run its entire operations on 100% renewable electricity by 2020.en-gb.facebook.com
First SolarGoldFirst Solar has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its global operations by 2028.www.firstsolar.com
FujitsuGoldFujitsu has set a target to source 100% renewable electricity by 2050.www.fujitsu.com/uk
General MotorsGoldGeneral Motors has plans to meet the electricity needs of all its global facilities with 100% renewable sources by 2040.www.gm.com
Goldman Sachs GroupGoldGoldman Sachs Group has set a target of sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2020.www.goldmansachs.com
GoogleGoldGoogle announced achieving its goal of sourcing 100% renewable electricity globally in 2017.www.google.com
Grupo BimboGoldGrupo Bimbo will power its operations with 100% renewable electricity by 2025.grupobimbo.com/en
H&MGoldH&M has a target to achieve 100% renewable power by 2030.www.hm.com
Ingka GroupGoldIngka Group has committed to producing as much renewable energy as it consumes by 2020 and to consume 100% renewable electricity by 2025.www.ingka.com
Iron Mountain IncorporatedGoldIron Mountain Incorporated has a target to source 100% renewable electricity for its global operations by 2050.www.ironmountain.co.uk
JinkoSolarGoldJinkoSolar committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its global operations by 2025 with an interim target of 70% by 2023.www.jinkosolar.com
Johnson & JohnsonGoldJohnson & Johnson has set a target to power all of its facilities with renewable electricity by 2025.www.jnj.com
KeringGoldKering has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2022.www.kering.com/en
Kingwhale CorporationGoldKingwhale Corporation has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2040.www.kingwhale.com
Korea ZincGoldKorea Zinc commits to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its entire global operations by 2050.www.koreazinc.co.kr
LG Energy SolutionGoldLG Energy Solution has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2030.www.lgensol.com
LONGiGoldLONGi has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its entire global operations by 2028 with an interim target of 70% by 2027.www.longi.com
Macquarie Group LimitedGoldMacquarie has committed to powering its global operations with 100% renewable electricity by 2025.www.macquarie.com
MicrosoftGoldMicrosoft has been powered by 100% renewable electricity since 2014.www.microsoft.com/en-gb
NexansGoldNexans has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its global operations by 2030.www.nexans.com
NIKEGoldNIKE Inc. is committed to reaching 100% renewable electricity by 2025.www.nike.com/gb
Nissin Foods HoldingsGoldNissin Foods Holdings has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its global operations by 2050.www.nissin.com/en_jp
NovartisGoldNovartis has committed to souring 100% renewable electricity by 2025.www.novartis.co.uk
Novo NordiskGoldNovo Nordisk has set a target to source 100% renewable power at all production sites by 2020.www.novonordisk.com
PepsiCoGoldPepsiCo is committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its company owned and controlled operations by 2030 and across its entire global operations by 2040.www.pepsico.com
PwCGoldPwC has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2030, with 70% by 2022.www.pwc.com
SanofiGoldSanofi has a target to source 100% renewable electricity by 2030.www.sanofi.com
Schneider ElectricGoldSchneider Electric is committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its global operations by 2030, 80% by 2020.www.se.com/ww/en
SignifyGoldSignify has made a commitment to powering 100% of its operations with renewable electricity by 2020.www.signify.com/en-gb
SK HynixGoldSK Hynix has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2050.www.skhynix.com/eng/index.jsp
SK TelecomGoldSK Telecom has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2050.www.sktelecom.com/index_en.html
Sky plcGoldSky already sources most of its electricity from renewable energy, and aims to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2020.www.skygroup.sky
StarbucksGoldStarbucks is committed to 100% renewable electricity.www.starbucks.co.uk
Sun Metals CorporationGoldSun Metals Corporation is committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2040.www.sunmetals.com.au
SungrowGoldSungrow commits to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its entire global operations by 2028.www.sungrowpower.com/en/home
T-Mobile US, Inc.GoldT-Mobile US, Inc. is committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2021.www.t-mobile.com
Tetra PakGoldTetra Pak is committed to powering its operations with 100% renewable electricity by 2030.www.tetrapak.com
UBSGoldUBS has a goal to be powered by 100% renewable electricity by 2020.www.ubs.com
UnileverGoldUnilever has an interim target to source all its electricity purchased from the grid from renewables by 2020, with a view to sourcing 100% of its energy from renewables by 2030.www.unilever.co.uk
Vail ResortsGoldVail Resorts aims to source 100% renewable electricity by 2030.www.vailresorts.com
VestasGoldVestas has been sourcing 100% of its electricity supply from renewable energy since 2013.www.vestas.com
Wells Fargo & Co.GoldWells Fargo achieved its 100% renewable electricity goal in 2017, and will transition to long-term agreements that directly fund new renewable electricity projects by 2020.www.wellsfargo.com
WestpacGoldWestpac has a target to source 100% renewable electricity by 2025.www.westpac.com.au
ZoetisGoldZoetis as committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2050.www.zoetis.com
Zurich Insurance GroupGoldZurich has a target to use 100% renewable electricity globally by the end of 2022.www.zurich.co.uk

以上資料統計至 2021 年 10 月 25 日


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