轉載:The Rise of Solar Power


Solar power is on the rise. You can see the evidence on rooftops and in the desert, where utility-scale solar plants are popping up. The picture is not all rosy, but if the recent past is any indication, solar power is going to help lead the transition to a carbon-free future, and it might do it faster than we all expected.

Elon Musk and Tesla promised solar roof tiles in 2016, but the industry might not need an upgrade as its grown significantly with the solar panels currently available. You can see the evidence both on individual rooftops and in the utility-scale solar plants increasingly popping up in deserts across the country. In the United States, of all about 30% of the new power capacity added to the grid in 2018 was from solar.

But the picture is not all rosy. Solar power (and sunshine) is intermittent and the price of lithium ion batteries, one of the most popular current storage solutions, is still relatively high.

These are real problems that the industry needs to tackle if solar is going to reach its potential. However, if the recent past is any indication, solar power is going to help lead the transition to a carbon-free future, and it might do it faster than we all expected.


埃隆馬斯克和特斯拉承諾在 2016 年推出太陽能屋頂瓦片,但該行業可能不需要升級,因為目前可用的太陽能電池板已顯著增長。您可以在個人屋頂和公用事業規模的太陽能發電廠中看到越來越多地出現在全國各地的沙漠中的證據。在美國,2018 年新增的電網容量中,約有 30% 來自太陽能。




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